Via Penland Show at Rebus Works

I'm so happy to be part of this wonderful show again this year. Rebus Works is in Raleigh, NC. The opening reception is December 4, 2009 from 6-10 and the work will be up until January 30, 2010. I'll be showing a series of drawings from the summer, and my new letterpress edition book "For You".

Layers, mixed media on book page

from For You, letterpress

There's more information about the show here. Hope you can stop by!

On another happy note, I am done with my work obligations as a core student. This is a joyous occasion. Mike and I will be moving to Philadelphia in early spring, and I will be working on getting my Chandler and Price press up and working. Till then, I'll be making paper, making books, some new stationery, and making some phone calls looking for a job. So if you know anyone who is looking for a studio assistant in Philadelphia, I would love to assist a printer, bookbinder, or conservator to keep learning about what I do. Thanks!