My good friend, ceramic artist Jason Bige Burnett from the Penland Core Fellowship is getting married and asked me to make a wedding guest book for him and his awesome husband to be. The theme was vintage and sci-fi. For the cover, I used the beautiful letterpress design from their invitations by Beth Schaible of Quill and Arrow Press (also fellow Core Friend!) and inset it into the grey buckram cloth.
I was so happy and honored to make this book for my dear friend. Congratulations, Jason and Michael!
:: Inset Cover, Letterpress by Quill and Arrow Press ::
:: Grey and blue buckram cloth ::
:: Vintage Book Illustration ::
:: Left, Screenprint scraps that were given to me by Kevin Mercer of Large Mammal ::
:: Left, another Large Mammal super Screen Print Scrap, vintage rockets ::
:: A library card ::
:: With a special message ::
:: The sky is the limit ! ::