Start Over

A selection of images from Start Over, a collaboration between Huldra Press and Justin Staller, which we will be debuting at the Philalalia small press poetry and art book fair at Tyler School of Art in Philadelphia, PA tomorrow.

:: do-si-do ::

The structure of the book is referred to as a "do-si-do" or back to back binding. There cover is a long strip that connects the two sides of the book, two separate "stories" connected by an interest in cut-up writing.
:: dreams ::

My side of the book is a collection of dreams I've recorded over the years.

:: typewriter strip poems ::

Justin's side is a collection of cut-up poems that were written using typewriter ribbon from correspondence between himself and his grandfather.

:: typewriter type ::

The two sides are connected together through the typewriter aesthetic, in part a reference to the work of William S. Burroughs, who's own work was so deeply influenced by dreams and the cut-up writing technique.

:: dreams and the backs of wood type ::

My dream portion is illustrated with the backs of wood type. There is something very appealing to me about the idea of printing the back of letters, the part that can't be read. It is like the feeling people describe not being able to read in their dreams.

:: wood shape and handset metal type ::

:: ribbon ::

Justin's portions are illustrated within the text itself, using the actual typewriter ribbon as image. The ribbon is repeated through the cover, which itself wraps around, joins, and contains the two books.

:: on with this epic ::

Start Over will be available for viewing and sale tomorrow, Saturday September 27th at Philalalia. Following the fair, it will be available online. Edition of 40, letterpress printed, hand painted, and silkscreened.