Red Wheel Press

There's a lot going on.

Oh my goodness, there's just so much going on right now, all good and exciting things too!

On April, 2nd I'll be at the Philadelphia Photo Art's Center for their second annual book fair, where I'll be selling my books alongside such awesome folks as Gottlund Verlag, David Graham, and much much more. I have a feeling I will be leaving with zero dollars, having spent all of it on other vendor's books.

Also, the schedule is out for the spring and summer letterpress workshops I'll be teaching at Red Wheel Press. Come for a 6 hr hands-on letterpress workshop— covering the basics of printing, typesetting (wood + metal type), Vandercook press maintenance, how to troubleshoot press + printing issues, inking, paper use + cleaning. For more info, and to sign up, go here.

The dates are:

Saturday, April 9th, 11-5

Saturday, May 7th, 11-5

Saturday, May 21, 11-5

Saturday, June 4th, 11-5

Saturday, June 25th, 11-5

So tell your friends, and hope to see you there!

:: Spring + Summer Letterpress Workshops ::

And I printed some baby shower invitations for a friend, who's having a sailor baby.

:: Ahoy! ::

Yo Teach!

:: that's me leaning on the press in my jaunty vest ::

I taught my first class last Saturday, hosted by Aimee Wilson of Red Wheel Press and I had a great time, thanks to our wonderful students. The class covered the fundamentals setting type and printing on and maintaining a Vandercook proof press.

:: setting type ::

After the demo, everyone designed, set the type for, and printed their own personalize stationery. We're going to post a schedule of upcoming workshop dates very soon, so I'll keep you updated and please spread the word if you have any friends that might be interested.

:: printing ::

Last Friday (it was a busy week) I also bought a press, his name is Junior and he is a 8x12 Chandler & Price New Style. Thanks to my friend Mike who lent us his time and truck and my boyfriend Mike, who helps me so much... I can't even tell you, and the other Mike who sold me the press, the move went without a hitch and it was in my studio, safe and sound, in 3 hours.

Those of you who have been following the blog for awhile will know that I've been spending the last year restoring another press, a 10x15 Chandler & Price Old Style. After many ups and downs, hours and hours of research and elbow grease, and sometimes tears, I finally decided to let it go. I posted an ad on Briar Press and am selling it in parts, in hopes that it'll be of use to other printer's restoring their presses.

The old press wasn't a total loss though, I learned so much, and this time around made a much wiser purchase. The press needs a good cleaning, but it's complete so, fingers crossed, it should be up and running in a month or two.

:: oil wells ::

The niftiest thing about the new press, Junior, has got to be these little lidded wells for oiling. They're adorable and functional!

:: monkey ::

That's all for now, it's going to be a very busy next couple of months, so I'll be posting new work and progress on the press whenever I can. Thanks for reading!

Letterpress Printing Workshop

hello Mr. Vandercook

I'm very excited to announce that I will be teaching a beginning letterpress workshop on Saturday March 5th in Philadelphia hosted and organized by Aimee Wilson of Red Wheel Press. It's going to be a really fun and exciting day of letterpress geekery so I hope you can join us.

See below for more information about the class and how to register.


SAT MARCH 5 // 11AM to 5PM with morning tea/ coffee & a break for

homemade Thai lunch @ 1pm!

Come for a personal 6 hr hands-on letterpress workshop-- covering the basics
of Vandercook press maintenance, typesetting (of wood and metal type), how to
troubleshoot press and printing issues, inking, paper use & cleaning.

This class will provide you with the skills to operate a Vandercook Press
safely and efficiently, as well as return & rent time for your own printing needs at
Red Wheel Press.

The class will be taught by Marianne Dages. Marianne is the owner and operator of Huldra Press, where she makes custom and original handmade books and letterpress prints. She recently completed a two year fellowship studying letterpress and bookbinding at Penland School of Crafts, and has taught classes at The University of the Arts and in North Carolina.

Please dress in comfortable clothes and shoes. All supplies provided.

Workshops cost $125/ per student

Contact Aimee Wilson- to reserve your spot, &/or send

Red Wheel Press | 3215 East Tioga Street | Philadelphia, PA 19134