Into the Valley
Eventually the sea will flow into the valley and roll over all…
Into the Valley is an evolution of the artist’s book Objects of Unknown Use, published by Dages in Spring 2017. Written using cut-ups to transform selected texts, this book of the dead records the memories of a traveler and its ka, as they traverse an alien landscape to escape an undefined force called the Yamagata Gray. Into the Valley extends the book into the gallery through object, print, and sound.
319 N 11th Street, 2L
Philadelphia, PA
Opening Reception
First Friday, February 2nd
6pm – 10pm
Reading and Artist’s Talk
Saturday, February 24th
4pm – 6pm
Exhibition Dates: 2.2.2018 – 2.25.2018
Gallery Hours: Saturdays and Sundays 2pm – 6pm or by appointment
please email mdages at gmail dot com
Writer, art-historian, and curator, Anne Cross wrote this incredibly thoughtful and beautiful essay on the show. READ THE ESSAY THE MIND MADE MATERIAL BY ANNE CROSS